Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Better late than never!

Happy Belated Birthday Emily! This picture was taken on Sunday out at the camp, I wanted to post it earlier but we where having computer troubles again, we are good to go now though.

Speaking of this meal, Walter made me laugh as for he didn't want to take too much time to eat because he wanted to play, anyway he asked if he could be excused from the table and I said "no, not yet it doesn't even look like you touched your food" then a minute later he said "I touched my food all over (literally) can I get up now." What a goof!

These other pictures are from the fair this past weekend. Walter sure did get a kick out of his first ride. He had a good time in Depere with his cousin Ariel too, it sounds like. Walter keeps asking to go back to see him and of course to go to the train hobby store again.

The kids entertainment the past few days have been plastic cups and paper plates! They have been stacked into everything from of course trains, to water towers and buildings. Rose E has been dumping toys from cup to cup and has pretended to drink out of them too. The imagination is so much fun to watch in young children! Walter must be rubbing off on his sister because yesterday I caught her driving her food around while making train noises! Her newest accomplishment is that she can point to her head, eyes, belly, hands, and feet when asked.

I set-up my Sunday school class today (I teach kindergarten and first grade) it his hard to believe that the summer is almost over, where did it go?

1 comment:

Emily said...

thanks for the birthday wishes! That's a big ride walter went on!