Friday, August 15, 2008

Creativity plus!

Rose E made a new discovery today, how to open all of our cabinet doors and drawers! She is now officially into EVERYTHING! It was cute though because it started out that she was dragging her pull dog around while I was making lunch and I said "Oh does your doggy need a drink?" So I pulled out a little container and wha la the light bulb went on. The kids then used my plastic containers for everything from a train horn(which is what they are doing in the picture), to helmets, to a water tower to different buildings. It's been fun to watch that they have been playing more and more together too.

Lately Walter has been asking about trees so this afternoon we went on a scout for different kinds of trees. We took pictures of them and collected leaves (then covered them with contact paper) and I have started to make him his own tree book. Then I thought we would go back for each season and take pictures of them then too. He was fascinated with how many different kinds there are and started to recognize some of them.

He has been making us laugh at meal times whenever we sit down to eat too he says welcome to (pizza hut, or Chilli's, Arby's etc). He sure is just like his Daddy a little jokester and keeps us smiling that is for sure. Rose E has been quite the little social bug when she sees people lately too. Even if they are a distance away she has been saying "hi" and then when we are all done talking to them "see ya." Her new words lately have been "ball", "ruff ruff" and "on."

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