Sunday, September 19, 2010

Past Weekend Adventures

The weekend before Walter started school we rode on the four wheeler Ranger up to Quincy Hill in Hancock, Michigan and had a picnic. Walter was in his glory because we ate next to old train cars and visited an old mine along the way. The view from up their is breathtaking!
Oh and speaking of school, Walter is loving kindergarten. He comes home every day very excited and we have received good reports from his teachers.

Last weekend we took a drive to Freda Michigan and visited an old mine on Lake Superior.
Here are the kids exploring the ruins.
Again, another beautiful site!
Last weekend we also had our church picnic at McClain's state park. Here are the kids in front of the light house. They where so excited about hiking the trails in the woods!

This weekend we trailered the ranger to Watersmeet, Michigan and drove it to Iron River, Michigan. We took along the kid's cousin Cale. He was a little adventurer with his binoculars.
We crossed over some scenic bridges and the kids where thrilled that we ate lunch in an old train car and then toured a museum in Iron River.
A favorite part of the museum of course
and another beautiful bridge. It is amazing to me how fast fall came this year. One day it was in the nineties the next day it is in the fifties and the leaves have begun to change.

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