Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some of you may be wondering what in the world has happened to me has been a very BUSY couple of weeks to say the least! My old supervisor unexpectedly asked if I would be interested in getting back into the classroom (I taught Head Start for almost five years before Walter was born). So, I have been spending countless hours resetting-up my old classroom and meeting with families. The nice thing is that it will be part-time and that Walter will be in my class. Rose E (and Walter when need be) should be able to be with Jeff most of the time too which will also be nice. But phew, talk about never knowing what life will bring and what God's plan is. Class starts on Tuesday so wish us all luck!

In the home front here, of course our kids are still keeping us smiling! Last weekend my mom asked Walter what he thinks Rose E should be for Halloween and he said "maybe she could be a girl king." Oh and Rose E, she is starting the good old stall before bedtime trick, anyway, the other day I was laying her down and she wanted a different stuffed animal, a different blanket, different music and then as I was leaving the room and turning off her light she says "wait I have an idea..... I need a drink of water." Too cute!

And on another note, today at church Jeff's grandpa was complaining of chest pain. So he took him to the emergency room and discovered that he had had a heart attache. His energy is pretty low so he has been sent to Marquette and will have a stress test done tomorrow. So please keep him in your prayers.

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