Monday, March 23, 2009

Cute as a button!

Walter and I made an Easter decoration today, his didn't have one bear spot on this egg but he sure had fun! Speaking of eggs, today we where at the grocery store buying eggs and he said "mama if we sprinkle water on those eggs will a chicken grow inside of them?" It made it even harder not to laugh when someone else heard him and started to chuckle. He is questioning everything these days, he even asked me why the trains are able to talk in the Thomas stories.
Our little Easter diva here. The kids have been pretending to be the Easter bunny and have been hiding plastic eggs around this house and then escorting them around in this basket. Check out her home made hat too! She wanted a bib for her dolly and then after tiring of it on the baby she decided to turn it into a fashion statement. Her newest accomplishment the past couple of weeks has been that she can know match things up. I've noticed that she now knows where the pieces go in a puzzle and works at it until she gets the piece in just right.

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