Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little hiden treasures!

These kids sure do crack us up! This evening out of the blue Rose E said "is Mama hiding , no, is Daddy hiding,no...... and went all the way down the list and nobody was hiding so we hid her dolly (just so somebody would be hiding). Just never know what goes through that mind of hers! Walter got a touch of some virus yesterday but is doing better today, anyway,I knew he was starting to feel better when I went to throw out a store receipt this morning and he said no it "tells what speed I need the trains on." That imagination is always on high gear! Oh and today I heard him say a few times if something was big it was "uppercase" (we've been talking about the alphabet a lot lately) and if it was small it was "lowercase." He also told me that a dime was a "diamond" now that would be quit the treasure to pull out of my pocket!

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