Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Ventures

This weekend my parents came for a quick visit, we took them to see the Portage Entry Lighthouse. The weather was beautiful and the colors of the trees where magnificent but of course pictures don't do justice.
We walked down the long break wall to see this light house. It was funny how on one side the waves where choppy and on the other side completely smooth.
This is looking back to the trek back to land. As we walked the gulls flew away and Walter said they where watching "water movies" as for they where all looking into the waves. It was neat that we got to see a commercial fishing boat too.
We also celebrated Jeff's brother Matt's birthday and my own (which is next week). It was a nice get together as for we had all of Jeff's family over at our house.
On another note I had to laugh because today we went to a store that was already closed and Walter said "mama can't you just use your keys to get inside? Oh the innocents of young children. And little Miss Rose E is just amazing me with the words she is saying, just several new ones in the past couple of days. She's also turning into a little smarty pants trying to pull tricks up her sleeve. Last night it was cute when I put her to bed she said "patty cake?" Then she said "light?" for her night light and then realized, uh oh that means Mama's leaving soon, so she said "stop it (turn it back off)" I turned it off and she wanted it back on and we went through this for a few minutes before I said (as Walter would put it) that's the nough (enough). She is understanding everything now and follows directions if we ask her to do something.

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